Unfinished Business
After the disappointment of the Stockholm marathon time (4:22 in 90F) both Andrew and I feel that we have unfinished business. I reckon we were both half an hour outside of what we believe we are capable of and so we have decided that we need to do another marathon later this year. The criteria are as follows:
1. It must be in England (travel and accommodation twice a year abroad is too much)
2. It must be in late Autumn, ideally October.
3. It must be relatively flat.
4. It would be good if it had a chip timing system.
Do any of you have any suggestions as to which marathon might fit all, or most, of our criteria?
Since coming back we have both started running again and last night I did my mid-week High Street route which is about 3.4 miles and I took 30 seconds off of my best time ever. I felt really strong - all the goodness of the marathon run is back in my body and I feel rested enough. That's encouraging for me because after the Stockholm run I felt a doubt creeping in that maybe I'm just getting too old. Last night's run re-assured me a lot.
Labels: marathon running
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