Marathon Training and Nutrition

<Marathon Training and Nutrition>

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Tips for aising your energy levels

I subscribe to a weekly newsletter from a man who gives all sorts of tips on health and business. He recently sent this email on the subject of 'power napping' to raise your energy levels. If you like his style and want to subscribe then email him at, "The Shortcut Bulletin" []. Here's what he had to say:

So what makes a power nap so effective? And how can you make sure that you get the perfect kip? Well, scientists have known for years that sleep comes in five cycles that recur through a normal night but they now believe that the first two stages can be easily replicated during the day with astounding results.

The first ‘sinking’ stage is where your body is preparing itself for sleep and the second is a light and restful stage before you become dead to the world. In total these two stages combined take 20 minutes. And recent research now shows that taking a 20 minute power nap could not only increase your mood but lower stress levels and actually improve your productivity and learning.
I knew I wasn’t imagining it! Before you start protesting that you are far too busy and highly strung to possibly fit a 20 minute sleep into your day read on…

The lazy way to give yourself a ton of energy
Here are some top tips to help you on your way to recapturing your lost energy:

1. Stop giving yourself grief
You’re not being lazy, having a daily power nap is going to make you happier, more productive and a nicer person to be around!

2. Ditch the morning mocha
If you’ve drunk a gallon of coffee in the morning there is no way you are going to the land of nod at lunchtime.

3. Stick to the deadline
Never power nap after 2pm. Late afternoons are a time when you are far more likely to fall into a very deep sleep, this won’t give you energy it will leave you feeling worse.

4. Set the alarm on your mobile
This is by far the most important tip of all! If you don’t set an alarm you could be in all sorts of trouble, your boss will be on the war path and you will probably still be sleeping as rush hour starts!
I don't know about you but we all need more energy so why not give it a try. Our Mediterranean cousins have been doing this power nap thing for centuries - they just call it a siesta.



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