Marathon Training and Nutrition

<Marathon Training and Nutrition>

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Amazing One Hour Alarm Clock Technique

Do you know the main thing that’s stopping you from reaching your goals and attaining your dream life?
It’s making a start.
Big projects can make you weary with their enormity.
Put a man on the moon? "Sure… er… where do we start exactly? Rocketry? Life- support? Guidance? Telecoms?
Hmmm… maybe I’ll tackle that project… one day!"
Get fit and lose weight?
"Sure…I’ll make a start…one day."
Create a life of power, wealth, passion and purpose?
"Um…right…I’ll get started on that… one day!"

These projects are just too big for our minds to handle – and so we drift away onto other things. We get shunted off the main track of our lives and into a siding. There we bumble amongst a pile of trivia whilst our precious lives leak away.

What’s the solution?
All writers know that the best way to make inroads into a long and tough writing assignment (e.g. a new book) is to use certain sneaky tricks which force them to MAKE A START.
Some kid themselves that they’re just going to write the first sentence.
Others say they’ll just sit down at the keyboard for thirty minutes, no longer.
Of course, once they start, they’re off and running. It’s that first step which seems so daunting. Being faced with the accusing ‘blank sheet’ of our lives and knowing we have to paint a beautiful picture when all we’ve done so far are a few childish scribbles.
But I’m not going to preach about how to craft a better life for yourself because, you know what? I reckon you know already. All you need to do is make a start – TODAY!

So here’s a really awesome method for making a start on creating your dream life (or getting any big project done). It’s called the one-hour alarm clock technique.
Here’s what you do. Set your alarm clock for exactly one hour from now.
During this one hour (no longer) you are going to work on your project to the exclusion of everything else.

One hour.
During this hour you make the calls you have to make, write the letters you have to write, do the web research – whatever it takes to make a start on that project.
You’re not trying to finish the project (that would be impossible) – just start it.
One hour.
Try this extraordinarily powerful technique and I guarantee you’ll be amazed at the results.


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