Marathon Training and Nutrition

<Marathon Training and Nutrition>

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The best way to improve your marathon time...

It's Saturday morning and I've just come back from a really good training run, had a drink of 'Complete' (See Juice Plus+ in the sidebar), a nice shower and here I am at my computer. My training partner and I meet at the same spot on the local canal at 9am - rain, hail, sun or breeze. There have been many a morning when if I hadn't agreed to meet Andrew I would just have stayed in my bed and then maybe (or maybe not) gone for a bit of a run later. Now, I would describe myself as a very disciplined person, if I set my mind to doing something I normally follow through. But wet Saturday mornings can break my resolve... unless I have a partner that I'll be letting down.
I believe that one of the key areas in training for a marathon is to get a partner to train with. It is reckoned to increase your marathon performance by up to 10% and that is an enormous improvement for anyone to make. How does it work? Well I can't tell you all the reasons but here's how it works for me. Aside from the obvious advantages of motivating you to get out of bed on a cold morning, it also makes me train during the week so that I don't let my partner down by being unfit. Secondly, it just makes it more fun. There's nothing worse than plodding your way around a 15 mile run on your own with only your thoughts to keep you company. (Some of you might enjoy this part but I prefer a bit of company on the longer runs.) Thirdly, I'm a man! My manly pride won't allow me to fall too far behind my younger, fitter training partner and so I invariably push myself a bit harder for the whole trip. Fourthly, we build little races into each run. You know the type of thing - I'll race you to the next bridge, lamp-post etc. This is great for getting you out of the usual plod. Lastly, its great to analyse the run a wee bit afterwards and see how you feel you've got on. And we always have a little celebration together - nothing too elaborate, just a bit of 'Well done' and 'Great run' or if we're feeling exuberant 'You the man!!' Get a partner, you'll see alomst immediate benefits.

Let me know if you have any tips for your marathon training that have helped your times.



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